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Quick RSAT Install for Windows 10

For the past few versions of Windows 10, Microsoft has made the Remote Server Administration Tools available through Features on Demand (FOD).

I just performed a clean OS install of Windows 2004 after experiencing issues updating from 1909 and had to install the RSAT Tools. I don’t use the MMC Tools, I need the management tools installed for the PowerShell modules that come with Windows Server.

I designed and am now creating a Veeam Environment for a Service Provider – Backup-as-a-Service.

While scripting out the VM deployment and configuration locally in my dev environment with PowerShell, IntelliSense was marking cmdlets as invalid statements. At that point, I knew the PowerShell modules were present on my system.

Out of convenience, I just chose to install all of them real fast with a one-liner.

Get-WindowsCapability -Online | Where-Object { $_.Name -like "RSAT*" } | Add-WindowsCapability -Online